Category Archives: River Valley

Why this blog is called “Uncle Kaveh”

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[This post was prompted by a short discussion on the (very specialised) TeX4ht mailing list where mathematician William Hammond referred to a video on his home page that my company had recorded. I noticed the link was broken and commented. Continue reading

Category: River Valley, Work

Why this site might go down any moment!

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Hi folks. It’s a long story, but to cut it short, several domains that have always been used exclusively by me are now under the control of a former colleague Continue reading

Category: Work, River Valley

10 years at River Valley…

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A colleague asked at a conference some time ago about our staff retention problems. Apparently other companies have problems keeping staff, losing up to 20% annually. Well, last year we had a ceremony to honour those who had been with us 10 years or more. Continue reading

Category: River Valley, Staff

Interview with Nalini Nayak

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I asked Nalini Nayak a few questions about the Self-employed Women’s Association, who are in charge of our canteen at River Valley. Here are the videos: Continue reading

Category: River Valley, Office | Tags: ,

Nalini – a woman to respect

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naliniWe always intended that our new offices would incorporate a kitchen and canteen. But we were at a loss as to where to recruit staff to run it. Somewhere along the line we came across SEWA, an organization for poor, self-employed women. Continue reading

Category: River Valley, Office | Tags: ,

We’re in the new office

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new office iconApologies for the long long time since I posted anything. Perhaps subconciously I was waiting to move into our new offices. Well, we are in, although some building is still going on. Here are some photos. Continue reading

Category: River Valley, Office

Progress on new office

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cvr1A few recent pictures. Progress is going well, and still expecting to move in by April. Continue reading

Category: Office | Tags:

Too fat to fly

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air-india2-12It’s been a while since I posted here. I’ve been travelling and busy, but a few things have been in my mind which I hope to offload here soon.

A few weeks ago, Air India sacked 10 air hostesses for being over the weight limit for the height and age. They were given time to reduce their weight by some 3kg, but failed to do so. Continue reading

Visit to staff houses, 4 Jan 09

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laya-houseLast Sunday Shan and I picked a few ‘victims’ to surprise. Here are the photos: Continue reading

Category: Staff | Tags:

Progress on new office

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picture-22Here are the latest photos. Lots of work is being done in parallel. Latest estimate is to move in in April. Continue reading

Category: TV, Office | Tags: