Category Archives: Office

Interview with Nalini Nayak

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I asked Nalini Nayak a few questions about the Self-employed Women’s Association, who are in charge of our canteen at River Valley. Here are the videos: Continue reading

Category: River Valley, Office | Tags: ,

Nalini – a woman to respect

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naliniWe always intended that our new offices would incorporate a kitchen and canteen. But we were at a loss as to where to recruit staff to run it. Somewhere along the line we came across SEWA, an organization for poor, self-employed women. Continue reading

Category: River Valley, Office | Tags: ,

We’re in the new office

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new office iconApologies for the long long time since I posted anything. Perhaps subconciously I was waiting to move into our new offices. Well, we are in, although some building is still going on. Here are some photos. Continue reading

Category: River Valley, Office

Progress on new office

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cvr1A few recent pictures. Progress is going well, and still expecting to move in by April. Continue reading

Category: Office | Tags:

Progress on new office

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picture-22Here are the latest photos. Lots of work is being done in parallel. Latest estimate is to move in in April. Continue reading

Category: TV, Office | Tags:

Progress in our new office

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A couple of days ago we visited the site of our new office with our architects. Progress is good, and we are still on course for a February handover. I am really excited. Continue reading

Category: Office | Tags:

More progress on office

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Yesterday we visited the site of our new office in Trivandrum again. Here are some more photos: Continue reading

Category: Office | Tags: ,

Progress on our new office

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The building work for the our new offices are going well. We are due to move in 1st quarter of 2009, and I cannot wait! The project has been designed and is managed by our good friends, Inspiration. Continue reading

Category: Office | Tags: ,