Category Archives: Gadgets

My real excitement about iPad

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I can’t wait to get my hands on the Apple iPad. There are a lot of exciting things about it, as you can see from the TV ad. But for me, three or four frames from that ad are the most exciting. I have extracted the relevant frames below: Continue reading

At last – freedom from the UK power plug

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An ingenious idea to free us all from the ugly, bulky, UK standard power plug. Hooray…..

Category: Gadgets

Riding helmet with “skin”

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I am not a biker, but if I were, I would be interested in this innovation. An artificial “skin” on the helmet delays by microseconds the sudden rotation of the head when the helmet hits a hard surface, thus reducing impact injury. Obvious in hindsight…

Category: Work, Gadgets | Tags: , ,

Hexacopter – the ultimate kids’ toy

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Here is a great flying machine. The video is a bit long, but the first few minutes will give you the idea. Continue reading

Category: Gadgets | Tags: , ,

Robot solves Rubik’s cube in 12 seconds

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This is great to watch: Continue reading