Category Archives: 3D

Amazing interactive 3D display

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mini_ar_adSecond time I have been amazed with technology today! This is a clever ad for a mini. The magazine has a bold black and white pattern of circles. You go to a web page (in German), switch on your webcam and hold the magazine (or a print of the pattern from the web site) in front of the webcam. Continue reading

Category: 3D | Tags:

3D printer

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Take a look at this picture. What is special about it? Well, it is made automatically from a 3D computer model, using a 3D printer. That’s right, a printer that produces a 3D object. These have been around for a long time, often called “rapid prototypers”, but have been very expensive. Continue reading

Category: 3D | Tags: , ,

Something in the air…

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After the one day holography conference yesterday, I and others have a feeling holography is bouncing back. I can’t put a finger it, but there is definite interest from museum and gallery folk, and there is an air of confidence amongst holographers. I have not seen this in the last 20 years. Let’s hope it continues. Continue reading

Yves sets the standard for holography

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I have been waiting for years to see the holograms of Yves Gentet. He gave a talk this morning at the conference in Leicester and showed several of his holograms. I was absolutely amazed. He has set the standard for colour holography. Just take look at these holograms. Continue reading

Category: Holography | Tags: , , , ,