Category Archives: TV

I love Jesus but I drink a little

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picture-11A hilarious little snippet from the Ellen DeGeneres show. (Thanks to my friend Al for bringing it to my attention.) Continue reading

Category: TV, USA | Tags:

Encouraging our kids to gamble

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footie1I settled down to watch Everton play Liverpool. Good game, but what disturbed me were the adverts for internet gambling sites popping up in the background. How can we convince our children that gambling is bad when these ads are the backdrops to our sports heroes? Or is it OK now to gamble?

Category: TV | Tags: ,

Progress on new office

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picture-22Here are the latest photos. Lots of work is being done in parallel. Latest estimate is to move in in April. Continue reading

Category: TV, Office | Tags:

A lesson in philosophy

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philosopher1I work and watch TV at the same time. I have no trouble with that, unless I am reading or writing something I have to concentrate on. I don’t like films or soaps, etc, but documentaries and news mostly. I like to feel I am learning something.
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Category: TV | Tags: ,

BBC, why the shaky camera?

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Last night was my first night at home after several trips. I love watching documentaries on British TV. I started watching a program on Channel 4 on the bank bailout business. The content was good, but it was spoilt by the silly fashion of using a handheld camera, and moving it around with no reason, and focusing in and out too. After a while I realised there is a Panorama documentary on BBC1. I switched over, and you guessed it: same childish moving, rotating, and defocusing of the camera.

I wish the producers, directors and cameramen would all grow up and use their brains (and a tripod) instead of simply following fashion, good or bad.

Category: TV, Photography | Tags: