Olive branch from Obama

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white-houseThe Persian new year, or Norooz, is calculated to the nearest second each year. It happened about 1 hour ago, at 12.45pm, London time. To coincide with this, Barack Obama has sent a video message to Iranians, wishing them a happy new year in Persian, or Farsi.

The tone could not be more positive. He refers to all that Iranians are proud of, and tickles their emotions deep down. He mentions Sa’adi, revered by all Iranians. I certainly had a tear in my eye, listening to him.

There have been so many hopes dashed in the restoration of relations between Iran and the West that we Iranians dare not hope for change. But I am daring to hope once again. Let us grab this branch and see what happens. I just pray that we don’t get the usual venomous speeches from Iran. Please guys, don’t spoil this oneā€¦

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