Visit to staff houses

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Sundays in Trivandrum are when I like to drop into the houses of our staff. Life here is simpler than in the west, and Sundays are usually spent at home with family and relatives who usually live nearby. I don’t like to give too much notice of my arrival, firstly so that they do not go to the trouble of preparing something special (according to local hospitality) and secondly because I am keen to see everyday life of our staff. Shan is my usual partner in crime, helping me find the houses, not always an easy task even when you have the address.

We did a count and realised I have now been to around 100 houses!! We have done most local homes, so last Sunday we ventured further, to Sukanya’s house, which is some 45km away from the city. We didn’t want to get there and find she was out, so we phoned from the city. Luckily she was in.

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7 comments on “Visit to staff houses

  1. In most of the photos I am sitting in front of meals 🙂
  2. Yes. I have some more photos too. I can upload them if you wish. 😉

  3. Yes, you can include some more house visit photos (best in past 100 visits).
  4. I thought more of you eating might be better Shan. Haha.

  5. Hi Kaveh,

    You should think of adding a “like” option in your blog, just like in Facebook. 🙂 I very much liked this piece and am sure your staff must have done too. And do you enjoy eating with hand and the banana leaf spread, yourself? Oh….this is an old piece of writing, I discover. Doesn’t matter. I saw it only now. So its new for me. Do you continue to do these visits?

  6. Great idea. Will put “like” 🙂

  7. Have done the needful 🙂