Imprisoning kids for cash

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justiceHere is a hypothetical scenario: Suppose that an Iranian judge were proved to have sent hundreds of innocent children and teenagers to a privately run detention centre, deliberately denying them any legal council in court, and that he only took 1–2 minutes for the legal process for each child.

Suppose, further, that in return for recommending the said detention centre, the judge was paid a million dollars or so in kickbacks from that detention centre. Suppose that he did this for around three years, and that he admitted to this miscarriage of justice.

There would be protests at this uncivilized behaviour around the world, and rightly so. Most vocal would be the westernized Iranian ex-pats in America.

Well, this is not a hypothetical example. It really happened, not in Iran, but in America. It has just come to light, but the world is silent … and so are the freedom-loving Iranian ex-pats.

Category: USA, Life, Justice

One comment on “Imprisoning kids for cash

  1. The judges have just won partial immunity from prosecution:,0,2503153.story

    Surprise surprise!